What do you want from POS?

Read about "my side of the steak". A blog about my attempt to develop pos software for restaurants. Am I capable as a total restaurant noob to write a point of sale application? What does it take to pass 'the Beta phase'?

Thursday, June 22, 2006

22-06 Version 1.1 of the DigiWaiter Server's available for download now!

I finally finished a version with some new version which I found stable enough to 'release'.

Whats new?
Print Engine: Bind a printer to each category and send each order to the right printer on receival. Let's you print your entrees in the kitchen and your drinks at the bar!

Live Update function: checks for updates automatically

Updated SteelBlue Design
Bug fixes (e.g. fixed datagrid errors)

Please report every bug, comment or whatever you like to the Dolesoft Board

Monday, June 05, 2006

Table status

How do you notify the kitchen that a table's ready for the entree?
Someone who works in the hospitallity business told me about working with coloured keychains.

If a table is ready for let's say the entree the waiter hangs a green keychain with the tablenumber on it on a board so kitchen nows they can start preparing the entree.
When they are done they place the platter on the 'distribution counter' with the keychain next to it.

How would you automate this process?
Would it be handy if I create some kind of panel with all the tables on it and you could change the status by changing colour (e.g. apetizer=green, entree=red, dessert=blue)?

Waiters could change the table status and depending on the status the printers in the kitchen would print the orders needed...

If you have an idea, please leave a comment?