So what's next?

Today I've spoken to someone who lives in our block, he's a chef cook in a restaurant (has worked in the restaurant business for about 20 years now).
I showed him my DigiWaiter suite (unfortunately I was a bit short on time) and explained most of the ins and outs of the programs like for instance the feature with which you can add a
category if you got for instance a 'Spanish theme', he really liked that.
What he didn't like or I should say he thought of as a disadvantage of my program was that I assumed you could have as server in the kitchen, which receives the orders from the pda or desktop clients.
He told me in all these years he has never seen a pc in the kitchen because it would get greasy, cooks wouldn't use it / would refuse to work with them.
He advised me to create an option to add printers and to assign a category to a specific printer (like for instance have all the entrees printed on the kitchen printer, all the drinks on the bar printer, etc, etc).
If any of you have something to say about this subject please do so, I can use all the help I can get!
Meanwhile I noticed my google hits for dolesoft went further down, despite my efforts to submit to the max on the net...
Dolesoft 271
DigiWaiter 517 (uhh I might be wrong about this, this could be an increase ;)) )
My google adwords are functioning a bit better now, they generate about 10 hits a day which cost me approx. 2 euro's a day.
I fine tuned the addwords, found out that I couldn't compete whit the keywords 'point of sale' if I didn't increase my budget to 50 cents a click...
I added a shoutbox to but didn't see any shouts uptill now..
Ok gotta go now, remember to check out my flash movie!
You all take care and thank you for shopping at K-mart!
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